A  very good friend of mine recommended  that when I had my surgery I should blog each day. I thought about it  and I wanted to, but I was too consumed with figuring out how to eat again. Roughly about two weeks ago marked my  one year post Realize Band Operation.  What a journey its has been!  I want to first thank my surgeon Dr. Bradley Schwack from the NYU Langone Weight Management Team and their phenomenal staff they have. Had it not been for their support and experience –not sure if I could have done it.  From their intake team to the medical assistant  to the office manager they have fostered   a truly remarkable operating team. KUDOS!!! to you guys !

The journey was not an easy one but a bearable one. One that  involved  monthly  follow up visits a true passion to trying to reinvent how we eat and lastly redefining you life as you see it. I mean,  hey 50 pounds less in over  a year. I have to say not bad.  It took some research and some getting used to, but  if you follow all the directions things should work out well for you.

I remember the day after surgery I was able to walk to  the car I had some discomfort but hey.. what do you expect after have a few incision and a device installed in you! Slowly my journal began, changing my eating habits, changing my portion habits and finally learning how to eat. I realized  we gulp our food down, we don’t chew we just swallow. However, soon after surgery you realize chewing is your  best friend.

It’s a process I encourage anyone having problems with weight loss to attempt.  If you’ve tried the Atkins diet, the south beach diet, grateful dead diet, the Acai diet, the cayenne pepper and syrup or any other  odd supplements to try to lose weight, if you’ve had a yo-yo effect  as did I this surgery will definitely help put things in place. But  as the  old adage goes  you have to do you part as well and really you do have to do your part. You have to be committed to learning to do without all those sugary foods, carbs(WHICH I USED TO ADORE especially bread believe or not I have maybe a piece of bread 1-2 a month. You have to be willing to drink more water,  be willing to try different styles of food. Trust me, I thought I was going to have to eat tofu to lose weight and I didn’t. I lost it  by cutting out the items above along with portion control and the right  support from my doctors and I’m happy to say I’m fifty pounds lighter, my blood pressure is down from 150-95 to 117-81.THANK YOU SO MUCH Dr. Bradley Schwack!

SO if you are committed and ready for the next challenge in your life I really encourage you to seek a bariatric doctor, heck come over and check out the doctors at NYU . They really are a caring staff.

Who knows maybe I’ll see some of you when I’m in the waiting room. Good Luck!!!!!! I’ll be posting more  soon–especially some recipes and things to do and not do..

OH one last  person I forgot to thank… Special thanks to that special someone  :)! and of course to my family for all their support and bendito no puede comer. LOL Love you guys.